The Evolution of the Salafi-Jihadist Threat (CSIS)
The word “evolution” was the driver behind the design of this report. Thinking of shifting information, blacked-out information, movement, and hiding, I wanted to capture the ever-changing world of the Salafi-Jihadist threat. To reflect the technical side of searching for threats I incorporated the monotype font, Source Code, to act similarly to how a pop of color would.
The cover is my favorite part of the report. I felt it needed a simple way to illustrate evolution, so I took basic shapes and had them morph from square to circle. The position is especially intentional as the use of the circle at the bottom makes the illustration double as an exclamation point. Adding to this that it’s in red, it’s simple and also alertest, calling attention to this threat.
Art directed and designed this report for the CSIS Transnational Threats program (TNT).